The Colony Chronicles: Bee-Gone


  • I Used Object Oriented Programming (OOP) to implement 13 defensive units for a tower defense game I call Colony Chronicles: Bee Gone.
  • I worked on this project when I took COMPSCI 61A: “Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs” at UC Berkeley.
  • A demo of the final game can seen here!
  • GitHub Repository for this project can be found here!

The Game

  • A game consists of a series of turns. In each turn, new bees may enter the ant colony. Then, new ants are placed to defend their colony. Finally, all insects (ants, then bees) take individual actions. Bees either try to move toward the end of the tunnel or sting ants in their way. Ants perform a different action depending on their type, such as collecting more food, or throwing leaves at the bees. The game ends either when a bee reaches the end of a tunnel (you lose), or the entire bee fleet has been vanquished (you win).


  • Python
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript